Frequently Asked Questions

Since we've been in business we've seen the same questions arise from out customers - here are some of them and we hope our answers are helpful. If the Below does not contain what you need to know, please contact us.

My jar of kimchi "exploded"! Is it still safe to eat?

Our kimchi is lovingly hand made and packed - it is raw and unpasteurised so will continue to actively ferment inside the jar. Sometimes, you may open a kimchi jar and no reaction will occur. Other times, you may hear a pop from gas release with juice fizzing/kimchi overflowing out the jar, similarly to a bottle of sparkling wine. Either way, your kimchi is still deliciously safe to eat!

How should I store my order of Kimchi?

Our Kimchi is a handcrafted food that is brimming with naturally occurring bacteria cultures in an active fermentation state. If you leave a jar of our kimchi in room temperature, it accelerates the fermentation process while refrigeration slows it. While the initial fermentation of kimchi occurs during the first 2-3 days in room temperature, Kimchi continually ferments as it ages. Active vegetable fibers break down by formation of lactobacillus, the good for your gut bacteria that fights off the bad ones. The process releases CO2, forms PH Acid (a natural state of vinegar) and results in a tangy, crunchy texture of vegetables.

We strongly recommend you keep our kimchi refrigerated, which will control fermentation and thus reduce rate of gas build-up/chance of a kimchi "explosion".

What is the shelf life of Kimchi? How long will it last in the fridge?

Kimchi is alive and will continue to change over time. Temperature and exposure to oxygen impact the flavour and fermentation of kimchi much like wine or cheese. As the kimchi matures, it will take on unique and distinct taste profiles of tangy notes while the spice mellows and develops into deeper, earthier characteristics. Your kimchi will continue to age in your fridge and will be delicious for up to 6 months, even once opened, as long as you use clean utensils and keep the lid closed when not eating.

What do I do if my order has been lost or damaged during transit?

It is equally disappointing for us when this happens - we love making and supplying our Kimchi to you, and we hate our kimchi going to waste!! Please contact us at the earliest opportunity so we can investigate and address.

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