What is beetroot?

Belonging to the same family as chard and spinach ,both the leaves and root of beetroot may be eaten – the leaves having a bitter taste whereas the root is sweet. Although they are available all year round, beets are sweetest and most tender during their peak season, which in the UK, is from June to October

Beetroot contains antioxidants. Antioxidants reduce oxidative streess.

Beetroots are a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals, including:

  • folate ,which is important for DNA and cell health

  • vitamin B- 6which supports metabolism and red blood cell production

  • calcium,an essential mineral for bone growth and strength

  • iron, which allows red blood cells to carry oxygen

  • magnesium, a mineral that supports immune, heart, muscle, and nerve health

    • manganese,which contributes to the regulation of metabolism and blood sugar levels

  • phosphorous ,an essential nutrient for teeth, bones, and cell repair

  • copper,which plays a role in making collagen,maintaining bones and blood vessels, and supporting immune function

  • zinc,which promotes wound healing, supports the immune system, and encourages normal growth


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